Optimal time to send emails

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Digital clock in an email icon with different times of day in the background, visualized in a colorful pop art style.

Find the optimal time to send emails

If you've ever run a newsletter campaign, you know that it's not just the content that matters, but also the timing. When your emails are sent can have a big impact on open and click rates. But when is actually the best time to send your emails? Here's how you can use newsletter software to determine the perfect time to send your emails.

Why shipping timing is so important

Everyone has certain times when they check their email - it could be in the morning with a cup of coffee, during lunch break or in the evening on the couch. If your email arrives at the right moment, it is more likely to be opened and read. On the other hand, an email that is sent at the wrong time can easily get lost in the crowd or even be perceived as annoying.

The role of newsletter software

With the right newsletter software, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips to find the optimal time to send your emails. Many tools offer analytics features that can help you find out when your emails get the highest open and click rates. This data is worth its weight in gold because it allows you to adjust your shipping strategy accordingly.

Tips for determining the optimal shipping time

  • Test different days and times: Not every target group is the same. What works for one does not necessarily work for the other. Experiment with different sending days and times to find when your emails perform best.
  • Use A/B testing: Many newsletter software solutions offer the ability to carry out A/B testing. You can send two versions of your email at different times and directly compare which one performs better.
  • Pay attention to your subscribers’ time zone: If you have an international audience, time zone plays a crucial role. Make sure your emails arrive at a reasonable time, no matter where your subscribers are.
  • Analysis of your recipients: Use the analytical capabilities of your newsletter software to learn more about your recipients' behavior. When do they most often open emails? Which content generates the most clicks? This information will help you refine your strategy.


Choosing the optimal time to send your marketing emails can be challenging, but with the right strategy and tools from your newsletter software, you can significantly improve your chances of success. By testing, analyzing, and adapting different approaches, you'll soon find out when is the best time to reach your target audience and achieve your email marketing goals.

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